
2014年6月19日—We'dliketosharewithyouablogpostwrittenbyourfriendsatKimonoLabs.TheirserviceallowsyoutobuildaJSONAPIfromanywebsite.,SometimeagoKimonocaughtmyattentionwithapromiseofeasywebsiteconversionforAPIaccess.Itisaservicethatpromptsyoutodefinedatayouneed ...,AminimalpythonlibraryfortheTheKimonoAPIbykimonolabs,inc.Heavilyinfluenced/plagiarisedfromthepipedrive-apiwrittenbytheawesomehiway.,Modi...

Create Your Own Api With Kimono

2014年6月19日 — We'd like to share with you a blog post written by our friends at KimonoLabs. Their service allows you to build a JSON API from any website.

Kimono — easy to use web scraper

Some time ago Kimono caught my attention with a promise of easy web site conversion for API access. It is a service that prompts you to define data you need ...


A minimal python library for the The Kimono API by kimonolabs, inc. Heavily influenced/plagiarised from the pipedrive-api written by the awesome hiway.

Modify Kimono API

Modify Kimono API. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

How to use Kimono API

2014年3月20日 — How to use Kimono API ... Goal: Parse JSON API data with jquery so I can display the information on my static (no backend) website in a styled ...

Kimono Is A Smarter Web Scraper That Lets You “API

2014年2月18日 — A new Y Combinator-backed startup called Kimono wants to make it easier to access data from the unstructured web with a point-and-click tool ...


2015年1月23日 — Kimono是個雲端爬蟲服務,並能以API的形式提供抓取的資料,與其說彈指之間寫出用來自動蒐集網路各式各樣資訊的爬蟲程式,倒不如說是「設定」比較貼切 ...


KimReader aims to do this by leveraging the power of Kimono's API-ification Chrome Extension, a point-and-click interface friendly for devs and non-devs alike.

Find And Run Robot 2.239.01 快速執行小幫手

Find And Run Robot 2.239.01 快速執行小幫手


Listly 一鍵爬蟲工具,沒學過程式語言也會用!

Listly 一鍵爬蟲工具,沒學過程式語言也會用!
